Tuesday, 12 August 2014

August News 2014 Deershed Festival


August Newsletter


Thanks for opening!

Here's what's to come...


  • Deershed Festival
  • Home comforts
  • New designs


Deershed Festival
Topcliffe, North Yorkshire

Last weekend the Supremily Stall traded at Deershed Festival in beautiful surroundings in North Yorkshire. We met some amazing people and everyone who came into the stall seemed genuinely interested in my work and the story of how it all came to be!

The sun shone and we smiled lots. It was so nice to hear all those Yorkshire accents! I didn't realsie how much I missed my hometown after being in the North East for almost ten years now.

Our fellow traders were absolutely lovely. Renni one of our neighbours is a reflexologist based in york. I had some done for the first time, and it was so good that I had some more the next day!
I would thoroughly recommend having some done.

We also met Jean and Jim from Tumaini Trading ~ an absolutley lovely couple with beautiful fairtrade items collected from travels in Africa.

Thank you to my awesome friend Laurie who became my 'festival wife' ~ she cooked lovely food, amazing gluten free apple and cinnamon pancakes, did all the washing up and kept me great company. Jean and Jim we niknamed our 'festival parents'~ their company and friendship was top notch!

After the excitement of trading and getting engaged at Eden Festival, I didn't think this one would come anywhere close to being as amazing. As a festival, not so great. But the people we met....it made it all so worthwhile!
The highlight of the weekend was a couple who are getting married in 7 weeks time buying a pair of cufflinks and a brooch to match to each wear on their wedding day ~ I actually had tears in my eyes when they told me!!

Home Comforts

Time spent at home has been so wonderful! We're enjoying our first summer out here in the sticks. It's so beautiful here in the wilds of Northumberland!
Our wood pile is looking great after lots of help from friends.

We've enjoyed sunny bbq's and nice walks. I've been feeling very productive!

My sister came to visit from Dubai and we discussed wedding plans and enjoyed the sunshine. Ian and I have decided to get married in the meadow opposite our farm house. Three day wedding?....don't mind if I do.....!
Watch this space as plans unfold :)

More stock is now available to purchase online, includes these intricate chunky pebble pendants...arty unique pieces of wearable art!

Spiral Kaleidoscope Flower Powers
Supremily Online
Custom order ~ a beautiful set made to wear at a wedding in August

Where to find me in August

Tynemouth Station ~ Saturday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd


Quayside Market ~ Sunday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

Freeman Hospital ~ Wednesday 13th


The Garden Station, Langley (Arts and Vintage Fair) ~ Saturday 30th


Thank you for reading thus far and for continuing to subscribe, may August be full of sunshine and joy ~ I'll be back with more next month.

Emily xx
Copyright © 2014 Supremily Jewellery, All rights reserved.
August Newsletter

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July 2014 News


July Newsletter


I'm back with lots of exciting news!

Here's what's to come...


  • Special announcement
  • Eden Festival Update
  • New designs


I'm back from Eden Festival in Scotland, full of love and light (and a nice tan too!)
I'm aware that many of you already know this but for those of you who don't yet know, after a very happy 5 and a half years together, Ian and I are now engaged!

On the last night of the festival Ian asked me to marry him, and got down on one knee in our garden on our return home.

I have obviously accepted his offer with a big YES and I'm delighted to say that I'm now spending most of my days dreaming up a magical wedding! I didn't think life could get any better but yet it seems it does! !

We went to choose an engagement ring together, and found a really special fasceted rainbow moonstone set into a triple infinity silver band.

A little bit about Moonstone
As ancient as the moon itself. It represents eternal love and passion and is a stone of intuition and insight. It helps us to remember our true nature. It calms and encourages, teaching us the natural rythumns of life. It deflects negativity and eases emotional trauma. Aligned with the Goddess, Rainbow Moonstones connect with the energies and spirits of Nature, from plant devas to galactic consciousness.
Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. It powerfully affects the female reproductive system, enhancing fertility and promoting ease in pregnancy and childbirth, alleviates menstrual problems and change-of-life, balances the hormonal system and eliminates fluid retention. As a professional support stone, Moonstone aids dancers and artists in their self-expression.

And here is an interesting article about the diamond trade.....enough said!

The truth about the diamond trade

The Eden Festival
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland

So! We packed my people carrier to the roof, and still we needed more space! I had to get Ian to bring the rest of the stock boxes and general festival clobber with him the next day.

Laura's looking really happy to be sitting in the back!
Poor thing!


The girls were a huge help to me in setting up, and throughout the whole festival were on hand to help. All my staff, 5 in total, were amazing. I'm not just saying that because they are my friends...it was so much fun to have them at work with me! I wish I had them with me every weekend at the markets..I'd be set up in no time at all!

I sold an amazing amount of work and met some really special people ~ it was lovely to see folk from years before too. Going out into the site at night was great fun. We danced and laughed and it was so magical to bump into all sorts of people wearing my jewellery.

I can't wait for next year!
I've managed to stock up on bracelets and a few earrings since my return but have been full of engagement excitement and dreaming of weddings ~ as well as sorting the house and most importantly having a rest from all the hard work!

I'm sending this newsletter out a little earlier as usual as I'm joining a road trip to Spain on unday! It's very spur of the moment, and very exciting! I'll be doing a bit of the driving through France, and we're due to arrive in L'escala on Monday ~ sun sea and sand here I come! I'm flying back from Barcelona with a friend next week in time for the weekend markets.

Where to find me in July

Freeman Hospital ~ Being re-scheduled as I'm away to Spain

Tynemouth Station ~ Saturday 5th & 12th

Quayside Market ~ Sunday 6th & 13th

Deershed Festival ~ 24th - 28th

So! ~ That's it from me until next month where I'll be back with more festival news from Deershed, photos of my impromtu Spanish adventure and hopefully lots more exciting happenings in the world of Supremily!

Thank you for subscribing ~ your support means the world!

Emily xx
Copyright © 2014 Supremily Jewellery, All rights reserved.
July Newsletter

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